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Michael will rise up,

the great leader, who stands up for the sons of your people...and at that time, your people will be saved, all who will be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will waken: some to everlasting life, and others to a reproach that they will always see. Daniel 12: 1-2

3 min read

IX I. Sinful Ceilings

Prayers in Lieu of Judgement

Such goes the expression, “If these walls could talk”, but in any home can the adjoining of walls create the toughest blind spot. Ceilings however, are usually the last part to go on, spanning across an entire area of an encapsulated room, capturing the aerial view; an entire walk-through.

Onto a finer speculation. "What if these ceilings could talk?" If this could be imagined, what contemptible depravities and dark habits would one embarrassingly discover? Nothing but lights cast down on past movements. Now cognizant of our own sounds reflected back into this confined shrewdness, and not actually so closed off as one would expect it to be.

The angels are watching. It is said that they hover from above. It is said that the they look down at us from the open,

much like ceilings they can see all our actions—approachable to them as an open dollhouse.

The angels are watching. How many times has our guardian angel forgiven us? What if we could see the stench of our sins, before them, hanging over us? Just to think, is this something we do with others? Do we remind people of their past through our misgivings, our look abouts, our attitude, our body language, our criticism, our self-righteousness?

Dreadful must it be to linger within that maze, trapped about, tripping about, talking about who’s fault it was and whose it will remain. Meanwhile a wicked sinner is fatally cut by our sneer, just as hideous as their sin is our growing opinions and our glare, adding to the devils trap in this unyielding jungle of criticism.

No way out can be seen, while crouching closer to the ground with little room to breathe. Yes, we will continue in our suffocating outrage, even if it proves as another win for the enemy’s den of souls. Why shouldn’t we be narrow-minded? Why shouldn't we consider the winning of more souls over to the devil than over to God? and so rather, let us continue with this rightful and deceptive outrage, a canopy of lies from our ceiling that now begins to cave in.

Other then people’s scathing memories, lies their own tiny and unseen regret, and as such, they become last in line for even the smallest breath

of the finest redemption”

Yes, beyond our dreadful blindness, a mercy lies on the other side. A great mercy that is divine in its nature, unlike our vengeful and prying knives. A precious mercy that is exquisite, that remains rightfully for sinners and theirs alone. A boundless mercy that does not solely expunge small wrongdoings and turn away from grave sin. And yes, a grave despicable soul is more deserving of such a privilege, just by one single act of dearest and sincerest repentance.

Yet again, who could be so deserving of such a privilege? Never the sinner who suffers the loss of good name. Never the sinner shunned by those closest to them. Never the sinner scorned from the media and the horrid news. Never the sinner canceled from the industry or ministry of their own work. Never the sinner excommunicated from the faith.

Perhaps we might ask ourselves, does forgiveness remain solely for the squeaky clean and the righteous? Let us remember that even when forgiveness does not lead to the repentance of another, that God is the one deserving to be such a judge. Therefore let us continue to take refuge with Him, with these sufferings comes the greatest grace of all, as we recall, “blessed are the merciful” or even most blessed are those who die without justice, with painful secrets to the grave, surely without delay, the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

It will never be our right to make assumptions about the fate of another’s soul, as this is a divine power that remains reserved for God, and God alone. May His redemption be ever at hand. Hold faster to penance, than the chain of insults. Hold faster to forgiveness, than the verbal violence. May we commit to prayer instead, for all unrepentant sinners. May we set the past to fire, before our solemn and holy Redeemer. For God is greater than any shame nor any space that recalls the birth of all past sinfulness.

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