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X. Impasse cont'd...

of a celebrant cannot prevent the ultimate consecration at the altar—one of the purest forms of Christ made present within his hands. Christ loves us so much that He can even bypass the current error of His Vicar to make sure He is present for anyone reaching him with full repentance. Also remember that Christ himself entrusted Saint Peter with the keys to His Church, a person who had denied Him three times. Christ hand picked Judas to be in His closest inner circle. The day AFTER Judas secretly sold Him to the pharisees, Christ knowingly sat down with him at the table, and introduced the HOLY EUCHARIST that we now commemorate each Sunday. Who are we and who is God, that we might want to push aside our heavy cross and place ourselves in a position much higher; a position that doesn’t tolerate a shred of fault to the point where it enables us to turn our backs on the Mass. Christ til to this day, lowers himself to be present each Sunday so that we might mystically commune with Him. He is lowered to people bold enough to commit weekly sacrilege. He descends onto the altar FROM HEAVEN but somehow we are too bothered or too good to be in the midst of any kind of dishonesty. If we shockingly knew what was at stake we would desperately do away with any notion that kept us from holding fast to Christ, as well as ardently pray rather than whisper about the fall of our neighbors however great. Attending Mass should never be about comfort in worship or avoiding worship for the sake of vanity—which can also involve being overly concerned about others. You are attending so that you might seek a firm hold of your ETERNAL salvation.




On Sundays, in the age of live-streaming to some people a spiritual communion at home may be deemed as substitutable to receiving Christ in person---regardless of whether they are sick

--but this is not advisable by any priest. Keep in mind that when you attend the Mass, you are also aiding in the spiritual impact of forming a community for others. Our homes are an extension of the richness we find within the greatness of the Mass. We should never allow ourselves to fall into false justifications about abandoning it. At the very least, if you truly must, find another parish but never let the Christian comfort of your home take over your rightful place before the our Lord. Always remember, His sacrifice in the Mass is the root of this life and our homes only serve as tiny branches to carry on that fullness of spirit.

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...Michael will rise up,

the great leader, who stands up for the sons of your people...and at that time, your people will be saved, all who will be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will waken: some to everlasting life, and others to a reproach that they will always see. Daniel 12: 1-2

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