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VI. Excess cont'd...

into just stuff. Now the exception with this is if all the pieces committed to the same area form as one composition. An example of this can be a variety of different medieval themed crucifixes hung altogether on one wall. Although each crucifix has a different design, size or shape, there is a theme that quickly binds all of them together. Doing these types of looks require immense strategizing. If you do not know what you are doing, you can run the risk of over embellishing and the composition will begin to lose its radiance. This is something many people can sadly do. Any time something looks overstated or is overdone, the excitement of when you brought the particular item may wear off quickly especially if there is no unique sense of how a piece compliments another. What we don’t want is to become numb to a display when we know much effort was put into initially creating it.



Beyond the holy items that one must have or beautifully coordinate which include the crucifix, holy water fonts, rosaries, and other sacramentals, try to steer clear of attaining things just to have them. Allow yourself to make a decision based on what the particular room can tastefully hold as well as how deeply it connects to you.

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...Michael will rise up,

the great leader, who stands up for the sons of your people...and at that time, your people will be saved, all who will be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will waken: some to everlasting life, and others to a reproach that they will always see. Daniel 12: 1-2

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